About Us
The Immanuel Lutheran School began in 1904, before the congregation was established. The concern that the Rosebud area showed toward the religious education of their children has remained strong for almost 120 years. Evidence of this concern can be seen in the fact that since the beginning, the school has continued to work toward growth and expansion and has always been an important extension of the church.
Until 1938 the Pastors of the church doubled as teachers for the children in the Lutheran School. It was in 1938 that the congregation requested and received their first called teacher. For 17 years the school had only one teacher who taught grades 1-8. In 1955, Immanuel expanded the faculty to two teachers. In 1977 a third teacher was added and in the 1978-79 school year Immanuel enjoyed it's largest enrollment until it reached 61.
In 1954 the congregation built the present school building called Memorial Hall in honor of WWI and WWII veterans. This school has 2 classrooms, a gym, kitchen and cafeteria. A portion of the cafeteria was later made into a third classroom.
Present Day
We have a record attendance of 70 students in Pre-K - 8th grade. We now have 5 teachers and a make-shift classroom on the gym stage for the upper classes. Pre-school is across the street in the Church basement to accommodate the addition of 3-year-old pre-school.